Early this morning, ATC had a power outage that impacted only the downstairs section of the building. When the outage occurred, staff on-site smelled something that simply wasn't right. Out of an abundance of caution, we contacted the fire department and PNM to come and check our building. The fire department did not detect any heat or fire. PNM and an electrician also checked our building, and the electrician found that one of our circuits, which provides power to the downstairs classrooms, had a grounding issue. Our electrical systems worked as they should by cutting power precisely where it needed to avoid any further issues. At around 3:30 PM today, power was restored.
Classes will resume tomorrow as a regular Tuesday block schedule. Thank you for your understanding.
Due to unforseen circumstances related to electrical work that wouldn't be fixed before school started, we will be canceling all classes today. There will be no school today, Monday, April 29.
The Front Offices will also be closed today.
ATC's Spring Arts Festival is coming up Thursday May 9! The event includes an art show, student films, music, theatre, engineering exhibits, free food, and more. Doors open at 6:00. Movies at 6:45. Performances at 7:30. Free admission!
Congratulations ATC!
ATC is in the process of creating a graduate profile. A graduate profile is our collective vision for student success. The graduate profile will be developed into a graphic poster that will be shared widely throughout our community to guide decision making, instruction, programming, and assessment.
We are seeking feedback from ATC families regarding what is most vital to the support and preparation of ATC graduates. Please complete the following brief survey to let us know. Thank you!
The 9th grade biology class, AP Biology class, and Study Skills spent a day at the Rio Grande BioPark! Students identified and described human impacts on endangered species, and AP Biology worked on scavenger hunts to review previous units. Thank you to our parent chaperones for helping make the day a success!
Check out this month's newsletter! Lots of great info.
Our Juniors visited UNM today!
Mrs. Gardners's senior Crew class painting rocks for the rock spiral at her home so she has something to remember them by.
Our students are amazing! 💜
Hey 16-18 year olds! Check out these summer opportunities from the City of Santa Fe.
Last week our HOSA chapter attended the New Mexico HOSA State Leadership Conference in Albuquerque. Students participated in a variety of workshops and competed in healthcare related events over the course of the 3 day conference. In addition, the high school students attended the UNM Health Professions Symposium. During the symposium they learned about a variety of health care fields, strategies for applying to college, and had a chance to talk with a variety of people in the UNM healthcare community.
The following students were recognized for their efforts in competitive events:
Melanie Lopez - recognized for her volunteer service to the community with the Barbara James Service Award.
Arycela Guillen - placed in the top 5 in her event, biotechnology.
Congratulations to all of our HOSA students!
ATC Acoustic Americana presents their Spring Concert: A Musical Tour of America on Thursday April 18 beginning at 6:30 on the ATC stage! The first and sixth period classes will perform followed by the Varsity Stringband. It's free, but donations to the music program will be accepted.
ATC Marimba performs at Railyard Park for a city-sponsored Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 20 beginning at 10:30am! It's free and open to the public!
On Wednesday, the AP Biology class participated in citizen science at Hyde Memorial State Park, using eBird to record a bird count. This marks the culmination of our collaboration with Wild Friends, directly tied to the advocacy efforts of our students for the passing of HM 34 in the legislative session. Students enjoyed learning about birding and spotted/heard over 10 species in the park.
Join ATC at the Thrift Store Pop-Up on Saturday, April 13 from 10 to 2 at 1213 Don Gaspar Ave.
Ms. Standridge is only $243 short of reaching her goal!
Please see this month's PTSC Newsletter - Lots of great things happening at ATC!
Save the Date!
Ever wondered what REALLY happened in Roswell that June night in 1947? Join ATC Theater as we explore the Roswell incident with a funny and heartwarming production of All's Well in Roswell (Isn't It?). Opening Night is May 17 at 6:30 p.m. with a Saturday Matinée performance at 3:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Spring break is next week, how does a Staycation sound?
Check out these great opportunities from the SF Humane Center, Chavez Center, Teen Center, and Resolve.
Congratulations to the 2024 Class 2A Boys Varsity State Basketball Champions!! pictures will be posted soon
ATC 63
Pecos 37