
Work Permits for Students

If you plan to work during school hours, please complete a work permit:

  • *Senior Crew is a class and cannot be missed! Please schedule accordingly!*

  • *Even if you are over the age of 16, still complete!*

  1. You must have been hired for a job

  2. Download a Work Permit Application (see attached below)

  3. Complete the "Minor's Information" and "School Information" sections of the application

  4. Have your parent/guardian fill out the "Parent" section

  5. Take the application to the employer that hired you and have them fill out the "Employer" section. (Since the Work Permit is made out to your employer, we will not process applications without the EMPLOYER section filled out)

  6. Carefully review your application to assure that everything is clear and legible.

  7. Scan your application or take a picture of it. If you take a picture, please crop it so that only the application is visible

  8. Compose an e-mail with your Name and Student ID# in the Subject box and attach a PDF/picture of your completed work permit application; send it to your counselor!

Once received, your application will be processed within 4-5 business days and the Work Permit will be on file with @Andrea Ortiz for attendance purposes. 

Work Permit Flyer Image

Crisis Resources

ReachNM Flyer -English

REACH NM is a text-based reporting and engagement program that allows youth and community members around-the-clock access to CYFD workers for resources, help, and reporting potential abuse or neglect. The 24/7 service is free to any New Mexican with a text -message enabled cell phone.  

At REACH NM, our mission is to provide a safe, highly accessible, low-threshold peer support resource and supportive space for members of our community to connect with an advocate and access the resources they need. We believe in the power of collaboration within the community and strive to create an environment that is inclusive, respectful, and empowering. By actively listening to and valuing the experiences and perspectives of each individual, we will work together to provide accurate and helpful information to those who reach out to us. By fostering a culture of open communication and mutual support, we will work towards creating a more connected and resilient community.  

Downloadable English Flyer

Downloadable Spanish Flyer


New Support Line for Everyone

988 is a new, free, and easy to remember nationwide helpline for emotional, mental, or substance use crisis. 988 calls, texts, and chats are answered by trained, compassionate behavioral health professionals who know community mental health and substance use resources. Learn more here.

Call 988 - People who call 988 are given three options:

  • Press 1 to connect with the Veterans Crisis Line

  • Press 2 to connect with the Spanish Subnetwork

  • Remain on the line and be connected to a local crisis center; if local crisis center is unable to answer, the caller is routed to a national backup center

Text to Chat

People who text “TALK” to 988 will be connected to crisis centers equipped to respond to texts. Chat will be available through the Lifeline’s website.


Sandy Hook Promise

Submit secure & anonymous safety concerns 24/7 to help people BEFORE they hurt themselves or others. 3 ways to connect


Trevor Project

Provides 24/7 crisis support services to LGBTQ young people. Text, chat, or call anytime to reach a trained counselor

New Mexico Crisis and Access Line

New Mexico Crisis and Access Line

For anyone experiencing a mental or behavioral health crisis, concerned with suicidal thoughts, grief, drug and alcohol concerns, or any other mental or behavioral health concern

  • Crisis Line Call 855-662-7474

  • Peer-to-Peer Warm Line Call 855-466-7100 (Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM - 11:30 PM)

  • Download the NM Connect app from the Google App or Apple App store


National Domestic Violence Hotline

24-hour confidential service for survivors, victims, and those affected by domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and relationship abuse. 

  • Call 800-799-SAFE(7233)

  • Chat online at The Hotline

  • Text "START" to 88788


National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline

Provides 24/7 crisis support services to LGBTQ young people. Text, chat, or call anytime to reach a trained counselor

  • Call 866-331-9474

  • Text "loveis" to 22522

  • Crisis Text Line text "HOME" to 741741

New Mexico Crisis and Access Line

Behavioral Health Services

Provides 24/7 crisis intervention, comprehensive assessments, individual and family counseling, psychiatric consultation and medications, substance abuse programs

  • Call 505-820-6333

Wellness Resources for Parents and Caregivers

Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum Resources

Second Step Curriculum

This website provides resources and activities for parents and students to promote the social-emotional development, safety, and well-being of children grades PreK-8. The Santa Fe Public Schools currently use the Second Step curriculum as part of its prevention efforts.

Social Emotional Learning: NBC Parent Toolkit

This is a website and free app for parents to support the overall developmental needs of their children.

Coping Skills for Kids

Keeping Kids Mentally and Emotionally Healthy During Social Distancing

5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus

Supporting Teenagers and Young Adults During the Coronavirus Crisis


If your child’s school is using PAX, PAXTools is a way for families to adapt the wonderful PAX kernels our SFPS students are already using in many of their schools. Parents can access these tools at or "like" the PAX Tools Facebook page. There is also a PAX Tools app that is free. Materials in Spanish are being developed and should be available soon. PAX Tools "recipe cards" that list and explain one tool per card will be available on the website soon.

Local Support and SFPS Partners

PMS Teen Health @ Center Capital High School & PMS Teen Health Center @ Santa Fe High School

The Teen Health Centers at CHS and SFHS are open and see teens ages 14-19 years of age. They are on site from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Not testing for COVID-19. Now able to do telephonic appointments. First visit is a face to face visit for all new patients. Behavioral Health visits are being completed remotely. Call for an appointment. Please leave a message and they will return your call.

  • CHS Teen Health Center: 505-467-1081

  • SFHS Teen Health Center: 505-467-2439

Sky Center

The Sky Center provides free family counseling services to members of our community with a youth in the household between the ages of 0-23.The Sky Center is open and scheduling families via video conferencing and telephone calls.

For scheduling and more information regarding these services and the technology to access them, please contact The Sky Center directly at 505-473-6191 or at Hablamos Español.

Gerard’s House

Gerard's House is a safe place for grieving children, teens and families, where healing happens through acceptance and peer support.Gerard’s House is offering grief support via video conferencing and telephone calls throughout this public health crisis at no cost for children and youth (ages 4 - 21) and for adults, in English and in Spanish. They also have 1:1 sessions, grief-related play and art activities families can do from home. For more information regarding their services and the technology to access them, please call Gerard’s House at (505) 424-1800 or

Adelante Program-Santa Fe Public Schools

The Santa Fe Public Schools Adelante Program provides services for children, teens, and their families experiencing homelessness in Santa Fe. Adelante staff continue to provide case management and navigation services to their clients by phone. Food distribution for Adelante families occurs on Wednesdays from 3:00-4:30 p.m. at the Adelante Program office. Please call 505-467-2524 for support. A case manager or liaison will return your call.

Solace Crisis Treatment Center

Solace Center provides a safe place to receive evidence-based services including therapy for post-traumatic stress and anxiety disorders, violent crimes victim advocacy and sexual violence prevention programs. All services are provided in English and Spanish, with interpretation services available for other language access needs. Therapists are offering phone sessions. Advocates continue to help clients access resources. Call 505-986-9111 to be directed to a center advocate.

Mountain Center

The Mountain Center is a nationally recognized and accredited educational and therapeutic organization that is dedicated to promoting personal discovery and social change among youth, families and groups through the use of creative learning experiences in wilderness, community and cultural environments. Therapists are providing sessions via computer or phone. Their Gender and Sexuality Alliance Network is providing support for LGBTQ youth in a similar way. Please call 505-983-6158.

Santa Fe County Connect Resource Guide

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