Facility Use Requests

All facility use by organizations outside of ATC and for any non-school sponsored events requires an approved use application prior to the date of use. School-sponsored events should use the ATC Event Planning Form. Please provide as much information as possible when requesting to use the ATC Facility. After submitting the form, you will receive an email with your responses and the next steps.

1. Application

Submit a completed application at least three weeks in advance to the Director of Operations, along with the following required documents:

  • Schedule of events

  • Insurance documentation, if applicable

  • Non-profit letter, if applicable

  • Completed Non-scholastic Sports Users Certification, if applicable

  • Copies of required permits or documents from City, County, State, or Federal authorities

2. Facility & Personnel Charges

  • Facility and personnel fees apply.

  • The Director of Operations or Business Manager will provide an invoice for all related fees.

  • A 10% deposit is required before the first day of use. All fees must be paid in full within 30 days of the completed agreement via check or money order payable to ATC School.

  • Note: Personnel service fees are estimates and may be adjusted based on actual event requirements. The applicant is responsible for covering any additional hours beyond the estimate.

3. Walk-Through

  • A walk-through with site personnel (if required) will be scheduled at least one week before the event.

4. Mandatory Safety Preparedness Form

To ensure preparedness for potential emergencies at ATC, the attached Mandatory Safety Preparedness Form must be reviewed and signed.

5. Final Approval & Event Guidelines

  • The Director of Operations or designee will issue a final approval letter if the application is approved.

  • This final approval letter must be present during the event.

  • All event flyers must be approved by the Director of Operations before public posting. Events may not be advertised until final approval is granted.

All ATC rules, regulations, policies, and procedures must be followed during events. These can be found at https://www.atcschool.org/page/school-policies.

Quick Links:

Contact Information

Michael Gurule
Director of Operations