AP Exam Payments

Parents / Care Givers / Students:

 Please make your AP Exam Payments using the following link


 Remember that the Full Cost of Exams is $97.00 PER Exam. AP Seminar is $145.00

1 Exam = $97.00

2 Exams = $194.00

3 Exams = $291.00

4 Exams = $388.00

5 Exams = $485.00

6 Exams (Mazximum number allowed) = $582.00

 If you are on a waiver (Free/Reduced Lunches) then the cost is $3.00 PER Exam.

1 Exam = $3.00

2 Exams = $6.00

3 Exams = $9.00

4 Exams = $12.00

5 Exams = $15.00

6 Exams (Mazximum number allowed) = $18.00